Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for a way to connect and serve our church family? Volunteering is a great way to do it (and if you’re in high school, we can sign off on your volunteer hours, too)!
Kids Church and Nursery – We all say our kids are important, but the best way to show it is hands on! You can help in Kids Church or Nursery as a teacher or helper. Be part of a Kids Church team that does teaching, craft and games. You will be part of raising the next generation of those who know and love Jesus and hear His voice. Teams cover one in four Sundays. Please speak to Barb White at barbwhitecfc@gmail.com.
Greeting Team – A warm welcome on Sunday mornings is so important. By being part of a greeting team you have the opportunity to make a first impression and impart God’s love to everyone who walks through the door. The Greeting Team also assists with taking up the offering and helping to set up for coffee and snacks after the service.
Audio / Visual – Running the projector on a Sunday morning for announcements, worship songs and sermon notes is key to making our worship services run smoothly. This requires that you arrive by 9:45 a.m. and be on duty for the whole service, one out of every four Sundays. No previous experience is needed as training will be provided. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Ruth Gillespie at the office.
Sound Desk – The person at the soundboard controls the audio experience of the congregation during the service. This requires an ear for music and some technical ability. Full training will be provided. The soundboard operator arrives early with the worship team (8:30), ensures all equipment is operational, and works to ensure good sound quality for worship and the sermon. This commitment is for one in four Sundays. To volunteer or for more information, please contact Steve Atkinson or the office.
Café at the Centre – Are you looking for a fun place to volunteer and serve our community? Come join our enthusiastic team in the café! Experience is not necessary as training will be provided. (So will lunch!) We are always looking for regular volunteers but even if you can only work the occasional day, we would be happy to have you! We make soup for the Food Bank and for other ministries in Orangeville. Your help will ensure that many get a much needed healthy meal.